Prunus avium

Sweet cherry

The crown is ovate for solitaries. The bark is smooth, red-brown when young, later black or grey-brown, peeling laterally. The bark is weak grey-black. The leaflets are relatively thick, red-brown with an ashy coating. 


Age: 0.5-0,5 or 1+1 Jedno nebo dvou letá prostokořenná sazenice 
Seedling code 74250 74260 74270
Height above-ground 26-35 cm 36-50 cm 51-70 cm
Ø root collar   min. 5 mm min. 6 mm min. 7 mm


Age: 1+0 1 year old containerized seedling
Growing tray HIKO V-265 Seedling code 74145
Root ball high 150 mm Height above-ground 26-50 cm 
Root ball volume  265 ml Ø root collar min. 4 mm  

Age: 0,5+0,5 1 year old containerized seedling
Growing tray HIKO V-400 Seedling code 74265; 74275
Root ball high 150 mm Height above-ground 36-50; 51-70 cm 
Root ball volume  400 ml Ø root collar min. 6; min. 7 mm  

Age: 0,5+0,5+1 2 years old containerized seedling
Growing tray HIKO V-1400 Seedling code 74385
Root ball high 200 mm Height above-ground 81-120 cm 
Root ball volume  1400 ml Ø root collar min. 10 mm  

Selected seedlings