Betula pendula

European white birch

The silver birch is a medium-sized deciduous tree that owes its common name to the white peeling bark on the trunk. The twigs are slender and often pendulous and the leaves are roughly triangular with doubly serrate margins and turn yellow and brown in autumn before they fall. The flowers are catkins and the light, winged seeds get widely scattered by the wind.


Age: 1+0 1 year old containerized seedling
Growing tray HIKO V-265 Seedling code 64135
Root ball high 150 mm    Height above-ground 26-50 cm
Root ball volume 265 ml     Ø root collar min. 3 mm

Age: 1+0 1 year old containerized seedling
Growing tray HIKO V-265 Seedling code 64145
Root ball high 150 mm    Height above-ground 51-80 cm
Root ball volume 265 ml     Ø root collar min. 4 mm

Selected seedlings