Acer campestre

Field Maple

It is a deciduous tree reaching 15–25 m tall, with a trunk up to 1 m in diameter, with finely fissured, often somewhat corky bark. The shoots are brown, with dark brown winter buds. The leaves are in opposite pairs, 5–16 cm long and 5–10 cm broad, with five blunt, rounded lobes with a smooth margin. Usually monoecious, the flowers are produced in spring at the same time as the leaves open, yellow-green, in erect clusters 4–6 cm across, and are insect-pollinated. 


Age : 1-1  2 years old bare-root seedling 
Seedling code 54260 54270
Height above-ground 30-50 cm 51-80 cm
Ø root collar   min. 6 mm min. 7 mm

Selected seedlings